Combine Formations
The Ogre Miniatures book gave several sample
formations. It also said that there were
many variations and that no two battalions were exactly alike. Combine
formations were far more standardized than Paneuropean formations, but there
were varaition. British Formations had thier own structure. Here are
some sample formations. The formations with points are complete, click on the
name to see the details. The formations without point costs are not complete yet
(no link).
Standard Combine Company Level Formations
American Heavy Armored Regiment |
American Armored Regiment |
American Armored Cavalry Regiment |
American Mechanized Regiment |
American Marine Regiment |
Canadian Armored Regiment |
Canadian Mechanized Regiment |
British Armored Regiment |
British Mechanized Regiment |
British Royal Marine Regiment |
Mexican Mechanized Regiment |
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" OGRE is a registered trademark
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